Thursday, 26 March 2009

Developing Drawing Skills

As part of this unit we need to draw some concept art. To practice drawing we all took the same picture and used lots of construction lines to aid the drawing. And then shaded it in for full effect. This helps in future drawings as i would be able to add construction lines and shade more efficiently. This is different to my previous drawing of the bar as that was done in Photoshop using a guideline to draw over, similar to tracing. The drawing below has been done totally freehand using no tracing at all.

I drew the picture above free hand using construction lines. and shaded it in according to the source picture.

In this picture i traced over a sheet full of emotional faces. There are all sorts of emotions displayed such as anger, happiness and sadness. I used pastels to colour in the picture on the right as i feel they have a better effect than using pencil colours.

This is a free hand drawing of the character Gohan from Dragonball Z. I made one copy and then traced over it to remove the smudges from rubbing out previous mistakes. My final copy turned out fairly well for a first year sketch.

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